Account Activation

Account Activation


Account Activation verifies your email address is valid and current.
Account Activation is required before you can log in to the Car Show Pro website.

Account activation is required if:

  • You have registered for a new membership on the Car Show Pro website.

  • You have registered for a car show and you did not previously have a Car Show Pro membership.


You should have received an email titled 'Account Activation' from Car Show Pro, similar to the one below:

Your activation email will also contain your username, email address and password (not shown in this sample)

To activate your account:

  1. Either click on the Activate Account button in the email OR copy and paste the link into your browser.  You will be taken to a page that will confirm your account has been activated.

  2. You may now Log In using the Member Login link in the top right of the website.  For detailed instructions, see our Logging In to Car Show Pro article.


If you DID NOT receive an Account Activation email:

  1. Be sure to check your SPAM and JUNK email folders. Some mail programs may mark the email as spam and move it to the SPAM or JUNK folder.

  2. You can request your activation email again by attempting to log in as normal. You will see the following message:

  3. Click the 'Click here to have your Account Activation email re-sent to you'.

Should you continue to have problems logging in, please contact tech support:

Email: support@carshowpro.com

Toll-Free: 1-844-855-4277


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