Event Staffing

Event Staffing

Event Staff are users tasked with registering participants on the day of the event.  Event Staff and Administrators can add or edit participants into the system as well as print event reports.

Event Staff must be invited by the Event Administrator.  Once the Event Administrator has invited you, you should receive an email notification of the invitation with the event details. 

Logging In

  1. Log into the Car Show Pro website: https://carshowpro.com. You can log in using your email address and password.  If you do not know your password, you can use the Forgot Password feature to retrieve it.  Alternatively, you may contact the Event Administrator who can look it up for you.
  2. You will be directed to your Dashboard after logging in.  You can access the Event Administration page by clicking on the Event Administration link in the left sidebar or by clicking the View Details button under the Event Administration box.  A list of events is displayed that you have been invited to act as Event Staff.  If no events are displayed, please see the Event Administrator to ensure they have added you to the Event Staffing tab.

Searching for a Member to Register

  1. From the event list on the Event Staffing page, click the View Participants button under the event you wish to add the participant.  You will see the View Participants page.
  2. Click the Add Participants button.  The Add Participants page is displayed.
  3. At the top of the Add Participants page a search box is displayed.  This search box allows you to locate a member who is already registered in the system.  You may search by either their full email address or phone number.  You cannot search by name.  You may enter in the complete email address or phone number and a list of matching results will be displayed below.
  4. Matching results will be displayed in a list below the search box.

    The member's Name, City and State (or Province), Email address (if provided), along with their Home and Mobile phone numbers (if provided) are displayed.  Additionally, their picture is also displayed (if provided).

    Select the user by clicking on the row and their contact information will be automatically populated.
    NOTE: All registration fields are mandatory except the Email and Address 2 fields.


    If no matching results are displayed, check the spelling of the email address or phone number. If no matches still exist, follow the instructions under the Adding a New Participant section below.
  5. Under the Car Information section, you may either register a new auto using the New Auto radio button or register an existing auto using the Select From My Garage radio button.  All fields are mandatory except the Licence Plate and the Description fields.
  6. Complete the payment section and click the Add Participant button.  You are returned to the View Participant's page with the new user displayed.  
  7. You may now print the participant's Dashcard from the Dashcard icon on the right hand side.
  8. Confirm the details on the Dashcard with the participant to ensure accuracy.

Adding a New Participant

  1. Enter the participant's First and Last name and click or tab into the Username field.  Note a default username is displayed.  Normally this username is the first initial and last name.  If that username already exists in the database, the username will contain a two-digit number at the end.  The username can be customized if requested.
  2. Complete the fields in the Personal Information section.  All fields are mandatory except the Email and Address 2 fields.
  3. Under the Car Information section, enter the auto information.  All fields are mandatory except the Licence Plate and Description fields.
  4. Complete the payment section and click the Add Participant button.  You are returned to the View Participant's page with the new user displayed.  
  5. You may now print the participant's Dashcard from the Dashcard icon on the right hand side.
  6. Confirm the details on the Dashcard with the participant to ensure accuracy.


If the participant provided an email address, they will receive an email with their registration information for this event for their records.

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