Manage Your Event

Manage Your Event

Event Administrators have the highest level of access for the event.

If you created an event, you are automatically set as an event administrator.  If you received an invitation to act as an admin for an event, you share the same level of access as the event owner.

Event Administrators are the only user that can edit event information, change options for the event and create, edit or delete Judging Criteria and Auto Classifications.  Admins may also add or remove event staff, judges and master judges for the event.  They can also act as a Head Judge for the event, which is useful for smaller events which do not require a Head Judge.


Event administrators have full control over the event. Use discretion when creating additional event administrators for the event. Not every user needs administrator access.

With great power comes great responsibility!

The Event Administration area has been divided into the following sections (tabs) for ease of use.

Details tab

The main event information including event title, start and end dates and times, event description and links to your social media pages.

Settings tab

Contains the settings and options for your event.

Scorecards tab

Where you manage the Judging Criteria for your event.

Classifications tab

Where you manage the Auto Classifications for your event.

Awards tab

Manage your Special Awards for your event.

Gallery tab

A gallery of photos from previous years to display on your Event Listing page.

Adding Staff, Judges & Admins to Your Show

Where you manage user for your event, such as Event Staff, Judges, Head Judges and Event Administrators.

Sponsors tab

Manage your event Sponsors.

Reports tab

All event reports and forms.

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