Event Administration Overview
Access to the various event functions is limited by each user's 'user role'. For example, and event administrator has access to all functionality, while a Judge can only access the Judging (Judge Autos), Voting (People's Choice Voting) and Awards (Assign Awards) sections (if enabled by the Event Administrator). Additionally, Judges and Staff have limited timed access to their respective event functionality. For more information on the various types of users for an event, see our User Roles page.
Display Current/Future Events or Past Events
By default, when you view the Event Administration page, you will be shown a list of Current/Future Events you are the event owner for or you were invited to act as an Admin, Staff, Judge or Head Judge for.
After midnight on the evening of your event, your event moves from the Current/Future Events list to the Past Events list.
You can search for any event you were involved with, both current/future events as well as past events, using the Search Your Events box at the top of the page, by searching the event name or event ID. Alternatively, you can switch the Display Current/Future Events list to Past Events to display your past events.
Access Restrictions to Event Functionality
Some or all access to event functionality may be limited, depending on a number of factors:
The event status (i.e. if an event is 'Active' or 'Inactive). Inactive events will limit access to certain functionality.
The event dates (i.e. if an event is 'current' or a 'past' event). Past events cannot be edited, participants cannot be added or edited and autos cannot be judged.
The user role that the current user is logged in as for this event. Certain user roles have restricted access to some event functionality (i.e. Judges and Staff).
The event administrator has disabled certain functionality for the event (i.e. Judge Autos or People's Choice).