Search by Auto ID

Optional method for casting a People's Choice vote, provided for those who prefer to manually search by Auto ID.

Step-by-step guide

  1. On the Dashcard of the auto you wish to vote for, locate the Auto ID.
  2. Go to the CSP Car Show Listings page on the mobile browser on your cellular-enabled smartphone or tablet.
  3. Locate the show you wish to participate in.  Locate the People's Choice Voting button.  Events listed without a People's Choice button do not have the People's Choice functionality enabled or People's Choice is not currently available (generally People's Choice voting is open from the Start Date/Time until the End Date/Time).
  4. Click the People's Choice button.
  5. Manually enter the Auto ID from Step 1.
  6. Confirm you want to vote for the auto displayed or cancel your vote.

iPhone Tip

Have an iPhone using OS 11 or greater?

Use your iPhone camera to scan a QR Code on the Dashcard.

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