People's Choice Voting

People's Choice Voting


People's Choice Voting is a great way to engage your spectators, allow them to interact with your show and choose the winners!

Many car shows are doing away with the traditional 'judged' shows either due to a lack of available judges or complaints from participants that judging is not unbiased or they feel their auto should have 'scored better'.

Other shows still have event judges but want to allow spectators to choose a winner, but don't want the hassle of tabulating paper voting ballots, not to mention paper ballots can very easily lead to misuse.

Our People's Choice Voting system allows event administrators to provide a solution which is both easy to set up and fully automated by allowing spectators vote for their favorite auto in the show using their smartphone.

People's Choice can be used as a stand-alone voting system, thereby removing the need for event judges, or can be used in conjunction with traditional judged events to supplement the event awards and give spectators a voice in choosing the winners.

Event administrators can choose from 2 People's Choice voting formats

  •   Best in Show:  This is the default setting for new events.  Auto Classifications are ignored (if set) for Best in Show voting.

  •   Best in Class:  This is a great option to expand People's Choice voting by defining the number of winners in each auto class.  Each auto class competes individually, producing a list of winners for each auto class.

People's Choice Voting, by default, can be completely automated, meaning spectators wishing to participate can cast their vote for their favorite auto in the show by utilizing one of three different methods described below in How to Vote.  This option keeps the voting easy and requires minimal involvement by the event administrator.  Event Admins and Judges have access to the People's Choice winner's list to resolve ties.

Additionally, paper voting tickets can be printed and handed out to spectators.  Spectators can mark their favorite auto ID and drop the tickets at the registration table.  An event admin or judge is required to manually tally and populate the People's Choice winner's list.  This option offers more flexibility to accommodate those spectators who do not have a smart phone but does require an admin or judge for data entry.

A combination of automated vote counting and paper ticket counting may also be used.

How to Vote


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